Tire structure
describes a pneumatic tire structure in which the ply cords extend to the beads and are laid substantially at 90°to the center line of the tread, the carcass being stabilized by an essentially inextensible circumferential belt. On Radial tires, the letter " R " placed in front of the rim-diameter marking. Ex. 120/70 R 17 58W
Diagonal or bias ply
describes a pneumatic tire structure in which the ply cords extend to the beads and are laid at alternate angles substantially less than 90° to the center line of the tread.
Bias belted
describes a pneumatic tire structure of diagonal (bias ply) type in which the carcass is restricted by a belt comprising two or more layers of substantially inextensible cord material laid at alternate angles close to those of the carcass.

Speed symbol
The speed symbol indicates the maximum speed at which the tire can carry a load index under service conditions specified by Shinko tires. These speeds are shown in Table 1 and apply to tires when in good condition, inflated to the correct pressure, operating within their specific load capacity and fitted to the correct size rim. Speeds quoted are the maximum speed of which the tire is capable, not the speed at which it is normally ridden.
All maximum speeds referred to in this data are subject to applicable legal speeds.
Table 1: Speed symbol

Load index
The load index is a numerical code associated with the maximum load a tire can carry (except for loads at speeds above 210 km/h) at the speed indicated by its speed symbol under service conditions specified by Shinko tires.
⚠️ You should only fit replacement tires bearing the precise speed and load specified by Shinko tires.
⚠️ You should only fit replacement tires bearing the precise speed and load index referred to in the motorcycle manufacturer's manual.
Before you make any variation please consult Shinko tires to ensure that the replacement tire is a correct fitment for your motorcycle.
Table 2: Load index (kg)

- Please put the pressure specified by the manufacturer of the tire or vehicle. Check the pressure regularly.
- In case of non-compliance with proper pressure, it may be the cause of abnormal wear and accidents.
- Please drive according to the running direction of the specified tires.
- It is recommended to check the tire condition regularly as once a month.
- When the tire TWI (Tread Wear Indicator) mark appeared, it should be immediately replaced with a new tire.
- Only skilled and trained expert must be working when mounting or detaching tires and rims.
Iddergemsesteenweg 71 A
9450 Denderhoutem
Belgium (BE)